Friday, July 6, 2012

The Rider and the Horse revisited

Most recollections of the earliest European interactions with Africans portray Africans as brutes or Tarzan like characters that needed taming and civilizing.  Notwithstanding accounts of brutal practices like human impaling that cannot be challenged, it was inaccurate to ascribe such brutality as specific to African culture excerpt perhaps that Africans were among the last people to disavow such practices.

So it was up to King cobra to remind us that there are still some among our contemporaries that are yet to give up dehumanizing fellow human beings through acts of corporal ill treatment and subservience.

Our quest for Independence from Colonial rule was intensified by the indignity Zambians suffered at the hands of European masters who deemed us beneath them and undeserving of the dignity to buy goods from an open counter.

However, it is now self-evident that while the Zambian masses sought independence to achieve dignity and self-determination, our political leaders sought only, to take the place of white man.

Free Zambians hope to construct a social reality that meets their highest aspirations but our politicians, always set out to construct a different reality. One that assigns them all the prestige and power the colonizers enjoyed before independence yet requires Zambians to acquiesce to an only slightly enhanced status.

King Cobra wants to talk and act like a colonizer, while he tames the rights of Zambians to speak their minds or express dissent.  Meager national resources are spent indulging cronies and relatives while ordinary Zambians go without drugs, water and electricity. Each year more and more young Zambians complete the formal education that marks the rite of civilization yet they find no certain role in this post independence reality these wannabe bwanas have constructed.  

But they need not accept this arrangement that is unfair and one sided. It is the rider that now, needs taming and civilizing.

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