Friday, September 28, 2007

"Educating for a sustainabe future?"

The ancestors of Africa are angry….it is as if the ancestors had pronounced the
curse of cultural sabotage. This generation of Africans is hearing the ancestral
voice in no uncertain terms proclaiming….

Warriors will fight
scribes for the control of your institutions; wild bush will conquer your roads
and pathways; your land will yield less and less while your offspring multiply;
your houses will leak from floods and your soil will crack from drought; your
sons will refuse to pick up the hoe and prefer to wander in the wilds; you shall
learn ways of cheating and you will poison the cola nuts you serve your own
friends. Yes things will fall apart.
(The Africans – A triple heritage by Ali A. Mazrui).

How ironic therefore, that the call and validation for returning to a natural coexistence with nature in Africa should come from western society; from whence comes also, the horde of tourists and plunderers that have turned Africa’s ecological balance on its head.

The Africa-America Institute's 23rd annual awards Gala (New York) paid tribute to the People of Tanzania for the East African nation's significant progress in education, environmental conservation, and in creating a business-friendly environment for entrepreneurs and investment. (

And so while, we congratulate the Tanzanian government for soothing the wrath of our ancestors a little; the Zambian government must take heed and give up its unrestrained policy of welcoming all manner of mining explorations, sale of national parks and state land without considering the impact on our culture and natural balance.

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